Monday, March 15, 2010

You make me sick
I hate you for everything you did to me
You took away my innocence and my trust in people
I hate the fact that I let you in and now, no one will ever get in again
You are like a poison in my veins and you are killing me
I cannot breathe, you choke me
I hate you more than anything
I would rather take my own life than live knowing you draw breath
The darkness you have become swallows me and I cannot see the light
I love the numbness that comes with night, the sleepy shadows swallowing the sun
Here, I can hide
But you creep in through the cracks and you haunt my dreams
You steal sweet sleep and devour my desire to live
I want you gone but crave you here
Sweet darkness, hated light
This fake world has made me hate myself, my surroundings
You compound my fears; make me see how weak I am
Leave me now, stay in my veins
Haunt the hours I draw breath
Bring sweet solace and leave me here for dead…