Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Selfless or Stupid?

The word I am looking for is suckerpunch....
That's what I feel like just happened to my heart and soul and I cannot breathe.
I don't want to breathe unless it can all be rewound and back to yesterday.

Asking someone to walk away from someone they love must be the cruelest form of punishment...yet it is not really to punish, is it?
The reason these things happen is to love, protect and guide us.

Honestly, leave me alone right now and let me be with the one I love, the one my heart desires and the one who wants the same.. yet I will be with You. In Your hands and presence. You can comfort and guide my way as no other and in You I wil find the words and ways to deal with a crossroads. Selflessness is loving someone enough to walk away, even when it kills you.

Placing others above oneself is the biggest challenge human beings face these days and I had to right now. I did not want to but I know what is right and hurting others is wrong. My heart will heal, but it will never forget.

Was I selfless or stupid to walk away...time will tell.

There are no words, not one.
Not even these rambling can suffice, yet I will leave you with one question...

Are we selfless or stupid when we make decisions?
