Thursday, March 18, 2010


“Today I sat alone at the window

And I watched our little girl outside at play

With the little boy next door like so many times before

But something didn't seem quite right today

So I went outside to see what they were doing

And then the teardrops made my eyes grow dim'

Cause I heard him name a game and I hung my head in shame

When I heard our little girl say to him.

I don't wanna play house;

I know it can't be fun

I've watched mommy and daddy

And if that's the way it's done

I don't wanna play house;

It makes my mommy cry'

Cause when she played house

My daddy said good-bye.

I don't wanna play house;

I know it can't be fun

I've watched mommy and daddy

And if that's the way it's done

I don't wanna play house;

It makes my mommy cry'

Cause when she played house

My daddy said good-bye.”

What kind of footprint are you leaving behind?
What kind of legacy are you leaving for your children and those around you to model themselves on?

Some days, mine is the worst example under the sun, but others, it’s a great one where I have everything in line and my thoughts, actions and heart are pure...

I now pose the question: When asked to do a speech on their role model, will your child choose you?

Imagine if they couldn’t.
Imagine if the way we conducted our lives was something our children did not aspire to.
Imagine if they looked at us and saw two people, the one they see and the one the world gets to see and they never want to live that way.


Think about the things you do and say before you do and say them.Love with all you have, hate no one, give to those in need, spare a shoulder, an ear or even a smile and your footprint will be easily seen as one of love and hope.
Do not lie to or about people.
Be the real you, all the time.
Let your yes be your yes and your no your no.
I challenge myself with theses words too and vow to leave a footprint my children will want to step into and keep taking forward.
I will do everything I can to be a good role model to my child, the learning years are the forming years.
Consider them the world’s eyes, for what they see and learn from you is what they will take into the world.
They are you.
Dare to be different in this world of clones and copycats.
Make you the person you want to be for the future generations.
Let your legacy be beautiful enough to become a legend.