Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fallen angel

The river rages, pulls me in
I fear no more this distant thing
This lie, this game, this thing I crave
Darkness brings my comfort
Alone I wait, I crave, I ache
These thoughts are not my own
The ones that you create
Fallen angel hold on tight
My solace is the night
The blood in these veins was tainted by you
Pounding, searing, thumping
It screams
My heart weak in the corner of this shell
Raging silence and thunder clash
The dark, the dark, the silence
You alone can cover this
Take this all away
Yet you twist this game
Deeper still I fall
Broken wings cannot fly, cannot fight the plunge
Fallen angel hold on tight
My solace is the night
Bleeding in your hands I wait
You watch the clock and relish the game
Tortured soul I watch, wait, ache
No longer in denial I give up myself to you
This fight, this plight, this plunge
My wings are black and broken
Torn by my love for you
I hear the voices screaming silently
Shouting, calling, urging
Black their home and dark their night
I long to be embraced
Fallen angel hold on tight
My solace is the night
Your hands reach around my heart
I fear too rough, I allow this touch
Falling further still I scream your name inside
You hear me not, you feel me not
The climb is what I fear
The hills to high, the end so far
I fall, deeper, deeper, deeper
You have all of me
Naught for the world to snatch
You glance at me and I feel weak
Weaker still, weaker evermore
Broken wings cannot fly
Fallen angel hold on tight
My solace is the night