Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Healing is worth the pain...

When we fell down as children and banged up our knees, we got up, had a magic mommy kiss, a plaster and off we went. We never thought of the process of healing that "eina" had to go through.. the cells renewing, the anti-bodies fighting the bacteria.. we just played again... the hurt was over and the healing happened unnoticed

Now, grown up, the "einas" are emotional.
If we try and apply the childhood technique, we find that the plaster hides these and we can move on. What we are also aware of in our moving on is the festering under the plaster. Most of us stick another one over and move on, yet again. Every deep enough physical wound creates a scar.
In my opinion, every emotional, undealt with, plastered over wound creates a scar.
I dont think that it would be a pretty process in opening a physical scar and hoping your body could fix it without leaving a scar.. not possible.
So now this leads to me wondering...When we come to Father and we need healing, what does He do?
He opens the scars, peels back the plasters and gets to work.
And it hurts.
We have to retrace our steps. We are taking one step forward in Him, but at the same time we are going back to the very things we did not want to face.
What I have found is, in Him, the pain is far less than when we were alone and in the world. He gives us the ability to cope with the pain in His love.
And once He has completed His works, we feel brand new and the scar is gone. A miracle has been worked and the healing has proven to be worth the pain.

Question is...can you stay through the process...His healing does not happen in our time or in our ways, this happens at His will.
So today I step up to the plate and say:

Heal this heart and make it new. Make me the person You desire.
Put me into the Refiner's fire and I will trust You.

I'm all thought out..