Thursday, March 11, 2010

The truth inside me will scare you.
None of you know who I am, where I have been, what I have done, what I have seen.
There are things in this heart that will remain chained up forever.

You think you know, but trust me, you don’t.

Even those I have let in, have not scratched the surface, cracked the shell.
I am me and I am shaped, moulded and tainted by my life. None of you can ever be me or would even want to be.

Hatred is a wasted emotion and my heart is indifferent to this life and what it claims to be able to offer me.
Oh, there may be things that can brighten it, but you can never take the scars, the bruises and the memories.
The nightmares that vividly play in my head at the sound of midnight thunder…the fear that creeps my spine when I am alone in my head.
Nothing you do or say can take this away or change what I have become in my heart.
I won’t let you in for fear I can’t get you out.

The lies in this world are gentle, constant reminders. Thunder rolling into my heart, bringing with it the black clouds of night.
How can you change this, take it away.
Innocence, once lost, is forever taken.

The truth inside me will scare you.
None of you know who I am, where I have been, what I have done, what I have seen.
There are things in this heart that will remain chained up forever.