Monday, March 29, 2010


Ok so wow, truth is out…. there you did it. I hope in the release you find who you are. I hope you can walk away from these things and leave them where they lie. I cannot let you back in, you are a great person and I will always, always be there for you but not like before. Good-bye and good luck, I hope the hurts heal, the happiness comes and the dreams you so earnestly seek, chase and yearn for become a reality. You were a sweet release for me, a place to hide and as I bid thee farewell, take care my friend.

One thing I’ve learnt is that other people can’t make you happy. You need to find what makes you happy and go for it. You need to not rely on other people to make you happy or to teach you how to find joy. Joy is everywhere, in the trusted grip of your best friend’s hand, in the eyes of a child, in the lightning that splits the sky…. just reach for it.

Stop letting other people shape you. You’re perfect as you are.
I drove a lot this weekend, that means lots of thinking time and I did think, I thought of you, the message you sent me, the decisions you have made and realized you don’t get what losing you as a friend means to me. “and you’re next”….. ouch. But yeah, you cut the line and I now give you your release as you move on. This is it though, no half measures here… I won’t call or sms you for any reason…you wanted it, now you have it. This hurts like shit, I’ll be honest and it’s not cause I had/have feelings for you, but because you know me intimately and you walk away with that part of me. So just do me a favour…keep the us things us things ok? Thanks.

Oh and one more thing, thanks.

Tata mater.