Monday, March 1, 2010

Ok.. so this is me.
I am not who you think I am.
If you think you know me, think again.
No one will ever know who I am, unless I allow them in.
For now, my Father and I are in a process of finding out who I am…of learning, teaching, discovery and of revelation. I do not, honestly, know yet who I am.
What I do know though is that in knowing Him, I will find out who I am. Gain a true identity and be able to stand firm in my convictions of personality.

The one question I find myself asking over and over… Am I being true to myself in this world, or am I merely a sheep. Do I stand out in a crowd or do I blend in, become a wallflower and leave no lasting impression on any single life Father has allowed me into?
I want to be able to say I made a difference in at least one person’s life, in a meaningful way.
I never, ever want to be the person who has a funeral full of people who had no clue who I am, was or what I was meant to be.

The title of my blog may not seem very exhilarating or interesting to you, but to those who know me, there is a deeper meaning to this.
Daisy Days are the days where we get to lie in the fields with Father, staring up into the midday sky and simply be with Him…My life right now, is full of those beautiful moments and I want to live in Daisy Days forever.

For today my goal and prayer is simple:

Father reveal to me who I am created as in Your perfect, abundant love.

Till the next time…Seek Daisy Days.