Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Silent Angel

Silent angel, cries inside
Tears no soul can hear
In her mind, the world is fair
In her reality, it has stripped her bare
Her soul for the taking, no longer alive
Dead inside, she walks in the night
Fears and foes, all grow dim
No more, no more for this heart of tin

Silent angel, with demons to fight
Ignoring the pain, the torture within
The ones she thought she knew
Were lies sent to mislead her shattered heart
Bleeding palms and tear sodden cheeks
Losing the fight to the dark
To the silence of the night
The solace of the cold embrace of nothing

Lighting tears the sky, her soul sears
There are no longer lies, only hidden truths
Rain slicing her skin, wings tattered and torn
This silent angel fights no more
The night her cloak, her way set
Heading to the edge, the edge of the abyss
Wings spread wide, toes overstepping the boundary
Silent angel, free fall to solace, hurt and pain no more.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

LIve my life...

Falling back into the dark, pain the only reminder of life

Fail the aching heart; I would know the beat is gone.

The nights are mine alone again, hurting, seeking the truth.

Truth, love, lies, broken promises and shattered dreams.

Surrender and retreat call my name as once again I hide.

Back behind my walls where I was once safe

Crawling, near death, to the place that was my sacred sanctum

Go now, take back with you the memories that will feed the pain

Take the sweet words that once made me believe

Take the gentle kisses and morning love, take it all and go

I need to heal, need to fight for life again

Need to find me, fight this pain

Live my life

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Edge Of The Night

This lonely heart of mine was dead, wrapped in darkness.

Lost in my dreams, I traveled till I reached the edge, the edge of the night

Finding light was not a concern, solace in the shadows.

Life would not leave me there, on the edge, the edge of the night

The light came in the form of love, love from afar

I have been saved from the edge, the edge of the night

Warm heart, warm hands holding me close

No more fear, no more need to run from the edge, the edge of the night

Running to you is all I need to do when things seem too heavy

Your love makes my soul weightless away from the edge, the edge of the night

The days are few, the nights are less till we are together

That day we will stand together on the edge, the edge of the night.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dirty Angel

Dirty angel, wings soiled with sin
Wings too weighted to fly
Heart too heavy to care
No more fight
No more life
Death and shadows reign in the nights of silence
Screams piercing the midnight skies as the dirty angel watches others fly

Dirty angel, bleeding from within

Running scared
Soul ripped and torn
Clambering for the door
Never finding escape
Death and shadows reign in the nights of silence
Screams piercing the midnight skies as the dirty angel watches others fly

Dirty angel, fearful to the core

Scurrying forever
Forever more
Light and love a distant memory
Dark ever present
Death and shadows reign in the nights of silence
Screams piercing the midnight skies as the dirty angel watches others fly

Monday, August 15, 2011

In the still, cold dark I lie in wait.

Waiting for the end.
Waiting for a solace from this fight.
I cannot hide the cuts, the bruises, the signs of our struggle.
You are the scars that mark my soul.
Marks and scars I bear for you, visible in the night.
Battle scars a painful reminder of the death of faith.
My soul stripped to its barest minimum.
Lover lost, enemy gained.
Anger wells as tears roll down my cheeks.
Enough was never enough for you.
Stripped of my faith in the light, I cry out.
I can no longer forgive your transgressions.
Weakness now my only companion.
Nights and days of turmoil, eating me alive.
Forever hating the silence.
Marks and scars I bear for you, visible in the night.
Battle scars a painful reminder of the death of faith.
Tears roll as fear drowns out the silence.
Fighting the screams of the past no more.
Faith lost, I search for the end.
This sweet sacrifice is mine as I walk to the edge.
A soul wrenched apart by mistrust in you.
Wind whipped and hell torn.
An empty void within my soul, life no longer.
Scarred by your absence.
Marks and scars I bear for you, visible in the night.
Battle scars a painful reminder of the death of faith.

Monday, July 11, 2011


memories grabbing at the flesh of my soul
tearing me apart
ripping old wounds
never hidden
never healed
darkness creeping in amongst silent screams
dragged into the abyss
fear and familiarity wrapping me in cold
no more fighting
surrender the option
giving up
letting go
weaker than before
salvation a lie
your face swarms my mind
my heart
my soul
freedom in release
soul in chains
dragged into the abyss
sweet sacrifice of life
darkness embraced
dragged into the abyss

Life, as we know it.

Life, as we know it. .
Maybe in the end, its not what we thought.
Maybe when we look back, we will say that we should have known.
Different. Now there is a concept. I doubt it's existence. No one is as different as they think they are. No matter how hard they try and prove their theory, all they do is prove mine.
Don't tell me you know what I'm going through. You don't. Simple.
Don't call yourself a friend when all u do is seek your own gain.
Genuine does not even exist in this life, as we know it.
Honesty, trust and worth, what are these? Concepts to candy coat.
Inside is irrelevant and outside gives value.
Don't even get me started on love. 
Relationships are sadly not what we dream of and what we hope for. 
The norm today is pain, anguish, distrust and disillusionment.
Failure was never an option, now it is a given.
Life, as we know it, is purely an illusion. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunshine giggles

Jelly tot kisses
Rainbow smiles
Sticky finger cuddles
Love so pure contained in a being so beautiful
Mud pies
Water slides
Sunday afternoon drives
Ice cream sundaes
Life so pure contained in a being so beautiful
Midnight movies
Lazy morning snuggles
Secret games
Magic times
Love & Life in my being so beautiful

My heart racing in my chest, our eyes meet.

Weak at the knees as your eyes search mine

Looking into my very soul, the way only you can

Glancing away I break your spell on me

Your breath so soft and gentle

My eyes return your gaze; I have no escape from you

The one who owns my heart

Trembling as your fingers brush my cheek, I let you in

I had been facing the dark for so long, but no more

Your light has taken over me

Silently a solitary tear rolls down my face

The coming of this moment has been too long

Quietly you pull me close and I feel myself surrender

The magic of your touch guiding me to the light

Again your eyes search my inner being and I let you in

You have taken over my heart and soul

Gently as you whisper my name light streams in

The dark now dawn I reach out, step into day and breathe new life…

I had been facing the dark for so long, but no more

Your light has taken over me

My Lover and I...

Smashing into silence like a knife into flesh our cries hit the air / Trembling quietly as we ride the clouds / I am you and you are me / Inside and out my lover I am yours / Gripping and grinding at flesh / Greedily wanting more / Quickly we climb then gently we soar / My lover and I we see the stars / Feel the moisture of lust / This time this space is ours / My lover and I / Aching to stay together / Dying slowly while we are apart / Taking my hand you lead me there / Eyes closed with passion / Grace and splendor as we drive to the edge / The edge of our cliff / My lover and I / The world outside they know us not / In our secret place / Sanctity and love / Smashing into silence like a knife into flesh our cries hit the air / My lover and I…

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


All I’ve ever done was never good enough.

Not me, not who I am.

I was not enough for you.

Always pushing, always bleeding me dry.

I’m tapping out, I cannot fight anymore.

I need to go but before I do, tell me I’m good enough.

When I’m gone don’t cry for me, I wasn’t enough.

I will no longer be around to disappoint you,

Won’t ever be the one making you frown.

You can be happy now once it’s done, it will be good enough.

I’m tapping out, I cannot fight anymore.

I need to go but before I do, tell me I’m good enough.

I used to dream of making u say it.

Making you look at me like that, the way you looked at others.

In the end I guess it was not for me, to be enough.

I never was, will never hear it…

I’m tapping out, I cannot fight anymore.

I need to go but before I do, tell me I’m good enough.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Racing heart, hands trembling, we reach the point of no return… The words cannot be unsaid, the tears cannot be uncried… The depth of emotion swirling in my gut causes me to stop… I reach across the great divide of our fear and my hand caresses your face… You’re so perfect in who you are, your very being the reason for my existence… Your eyes meet mine and a solitary tear rolls to hit the floor… Tearful smile, last embrace… Footsteps out the door… Dying slowly with each step, life drains from my core…

Monday, March 7, 2011

If I could...I would.

If I could look into your eyes and tell you the secrets within, I would.

If I could get you to let me in, I would.

If I could be the one you let make you happy, I would.

If I could find words to give to you, I would.

If I could tell you the way you make me feel, I would.

If I could go back and steal your heart again, I would.

If I could take back our dreams and make them real, I would.

If I could show you a lifetime of joy, I would.

If I could just be there in your arms - one more time, I would.

If I could lose myself in you, I would.

If I could...I would.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I watch you and ache to be yours,

That smile, that touch, I crave.

I've lost it all before but I will fight,

I will fight the dark, the demons and more.

The fear I felt before has faded,

The light pours through the cracks.

I've lost it all before but I will fight,
I will fight the dark, the demons and more.

Treading now on broken glass,

Footsteps gentle in the night.

I've lost it all before but I will fight,
I will fight the dark, the demons and more.

Pressing on to the morning,

My goal, my life, my love.

I've lost it all before but I will fight

I will fight the dark, the demons and more.