Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Lover and I...

Smashing into silence like a knife into flesh our cries hit the air / Trembling quietly as we ride the clouds / I am you and you are me / Inside and out my lover I am yours / Gripping and grinding at flesh / Greedily wanting more / Quickly we climb then gently we soar / My lover and I we see the stars / Feel the moisture of lust / This time this space is ours / My lover and I / Aching to stay together / Dying slowly while we are apart / Taking my hand you lead me there / Eyes closed with passion / Grace and splendor as we drive to the edge / The edge of our cliff / My lover and I / The world outside they know us not / In our secret place / Sanctity and love / Smashing into silence like a knife into flesh our cries hit the air / My lover and I…