Monday, July 11, 2011

Life, as we know it.

Life, as we know it. .
Maybe in the end, its not what we thought.
Maybe when we look back, we will say that we should have known.
Different. Now there is a concept. I doubt it's existence. No one is as different as they think they are. No matter how hard they try and prove their theory, all they do is prove mine.
Don't tell me you know what I'm going through. You don't. Simple.
Don't call yourself a friend when all u do is seek your own gain.
Genuine does not even exist in this life, as we know it.
Honesty, trust and worth, what are these? Concepts to candy coat.
Inside is irrelevant and outside gives value.
Don't even get me started on love. 
Relationships are sadly not what we dream of and what we hope for. 
The norm today is pain, anguish, distrust and disillusionment.
Failure was never an option, now it is a given.
Life, as we know it, is purely an illusion.