Wednesday, March 7, 2012

terrified of what lay beyond, the fragile heart opens the door to a world that was once nothing but pain / she no longer feels beyond the grave / heart and soul cold and torn, nothing worth life's time / wistfully staring into the night sky, at home in the blackness / treading on broken dreams and stolen whispers, she fears the steps she takes / knowing her last lies this way....

she only longs for one, the one on the other side / the void as wide as the oceans depth / tenderly, her soul bleeds / she knows his pain, his broken lonley heart / desperate to reach across, to touch his weary soul / yet, the distance is her ban / treading on broken dreams and stolen whispers, she fears the steps she takes / knowing her last lies this way....

memories ringing sweet and true, the fragile heart covers her ears / hearing nothing but the silent scream from within / falling admist the dampened daisies, tears stain her pale cheeks / rising weakly, making her way back from the beyond / fading into the night, she no longer dreams / treading on broken dreams and stolen whispers, she fears the steps she takes / knowing her last lies this way...