Wednesday, March 7, 2012

terrified of what lay beyond, the fragile heart opens the door to a world that was once nothing but pain / she no longer feels beyond the grave / heart and soul cold and torn, nothing worth life's time / wistfully staring into the night sky, at home in the blackness / treading on broken dreams and stolen whispers, she fears the steps she takes / knowing her last lies this way....

she only longs for one, the one on the other side / the void as wide as the oceans depth / tenderly, her soul bleeds / she knows his pain, his broken lonley heart / desperate to reach across, to touch his weary soul / yet, the distance is her ban / treading on broken dreams and stolen whispers, she fears the steps she takes / knowing her last lies this way....

memories ringing sweet and true, the fragile heart covers her ears / hearing nothing but the silent scream from within / falling admist the dampened daisies, tears stain her pale cheeks / rising weakly, making her way back from the beyond / fading into the night, she no longer dreams / treading on broken dreams and stolen whispers, she fears the steps she takes / knowing her last lies this way...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sweet Surrender

My heart racing in my chest, our eyes meet.
Weak at the knees as your eyes search mine
Looking into my very soul, the way none has before
Glancing away I break your spell
You breath so soft and gentle
My eyes return your gaze
I have no escape from you, the one who owns my soul
Trembling as your fingers brush my cheek I let you in
Sweet surrender, take me all

Silently a solitary tear rolls down my face
The coming of this moment has been too long
Quietly you pull me close and I feel myself surrender
The magic of your touch guiding me to heights above
Again your eyes search my inner being and I let you in
You fill my being, soul and existence, completing me wholly
Sweet surrender, take me all

My lover & I...

Smashing into silence like a knife into flesh our cries hit the air / Trembling quietly as we ride the clouds / I am you and you are me / Inside and out my lover I am yours / Gripping and grinding at flesh / Greedily wanting more / Quickly we climb then gently we soar / My lover and I we see the stars / Feel the moisture of lust / This time this space is ours / My lover and I / Aching to stay together / Dying slowly while we are apart / Taking my hand you lead me there / Eyes closed with passion / Grace and splendor as we drive to the edge / The edge of our cliff / My lover and I / The world outside they know us not / In our secret place / Sanctity and love / Smashing into silence like a knife into flesh our cries hit the air / My lover and I…