Monday, November 1, 2010

The wind and rain slam on the windows, my soul stirs in grief.

This pain, this dark, I can no longer fight you.

Eyes shut I scream inside, slowly sinking into your abyss.

Taking your hand, as I step – the flowery meadow fades to black – shivers course my spine.

Icy cold hands and solid black eyes, your kiss so frigid.

Darkness comforts me, silently you guide me.

Long dark road, quietly welcoming.

Breathing deep, this pain slices my soul, take my hand – let’s go.

Screaming for peace, my spirit rips in two, this dark that you are, devours me more.

We walk in silence, hand in hand.

Your icy cold now mine, I feel myself sliding away.

My solace in your secret place, my eyes burn with tears.

This way, this out, I can no longer fight you.

Your embrace surrounds me and you take me deeper, darkness I fear you not.

At peace inside, the light fades away, enveloped by the shadows you bring.

I no longer feel as we take the last step, plunging into full pitch black.

This pain, this dark, I can no longer fight you…