Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One, two, three..JUMP!

Sometimes the worst part of a dive is not the fall, but the jump itself.

What is that driving force?

The thing that pushes you over the edge?

Right now, mine is the rush, the need for speed if you will, the craving for adrenaline...

No fear...lies.

It is scary, the unknown.

I may not know what I'm jumping into, but I know what I'm jumping off of.

My known is scarier than my unknown, to me.

To you the things you dont know, if known, would shatter and terrify you, make your view on me and my world change.

But I don't see it there, that desire in your eyes to jump into my world.

What are you afraid of, really?

Me, or who you know you are?

I'm the jump to you...One, two, three...JUMP!