Monday, August 30, 2010

A Falling star…

Something new burns in my heart
Something beautiful
This, my Love, is our new start
A falling star
My wish has been granted

Sunshine shades of love
Bubbles in the wind
Gentle breezes as we lay and watch the sky above
A falling star
My wish has been granted

I never believed in dreams coming true
Until fate crossed our paths
Now Baby, my sweetest dream is you
A falling star
My wish has been granted

Running streams, flowing rivers
As cold water to my soul
Your touch, dear love, gives me shivers
A falling star
My wish has been granted

Friday, August 27, 2010

No tears this time

Silently as the door shuts

I hear you cry

No tears this time, hold them inside

I won't stay for you

I need to leave for me

To take on this life, of your love be free

Shadows pass as light falls

Quietly I let the dark inside

No more now, this death I have died

As my footsteps echo

Leaving memories on the floor

No, don't go, I hear you, try just once more

Eyes full of passionate pain

I turn to you and you see its real

No, not once more, no deal

I love you, it rips my soul

Tears me to the core

No tears this time, no more

Stepping into the cold

My heart pounds as it breaks

Deep breaths guide my way

I hate that you make me want to turn back and stay


I wake up in a dream

Heart ripped on the floor

No tears this time, forever no more.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One, two, three..JUMP!

Sometimes the worst part of a dive is not the fall, but the jump itself.

What is that driving force?

The thing that pushes you over the edge?

Right now, mine is the rush, the need for speed if you will, the craving for adrenaline...

No fear...lies.

It is scary, the unknown.

I may not know what I'm jumping into, but I know what I'm jumping off of.

My known is scarier than my unknown, to me.

To you the things you dont know, if known, would shatter and terrify you, make your view on me and my world change.

But I don't see it there, that desire in your eyes to jump into my world.

What are you afraid of, really?

Me, or who you know you are?

I'm the jump to you...One, two, three...JUMP!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Breathe Baby Girl...

Breathe baby girl, breathe through the cracks
Don’t take the mask off and let them see the facts
I know you inside out, I know your very heart
Until the end my girl, I’ve been there from the start
I’ll never let you go no way
And if there is a price, so what, I’ll pay
I know you hurting my darling girl
But just for a while, lets lock out the world
I need you to love you enough
I know, yes I feel it too, it’s going to be tough
But I’ve seen you fight, know you can
It worth it all, giving up has never been your plan
Chin up ‘lil miss
Come on now, we’ll get through this