Monday, July 19, 2010


When you look at me you say you see perfection. But you’re wrong. Deep down there is a war, an ugly, imperfect war. I’m fighting to stay alive and you contritely tell me it’s nothing, you’re perfect. In all the time you’ve known me, you’ve not known me. I know if I let you see me you’ll go and this will worsen my load. I want to be perfect for you. To see myself the way you see me. No flaws, no faults, worthy. Just don’t give up on me okay? I beg. I need you to believe for me while I can’t. I need you to be strong for me when I can’t. I need you to fight this war for me through love when I can’t. Promise me when I tell you all about my battle that you won’t go. Tell me that I won’t have to fight this alone. I love you and need you. Please let me be selfish this once. Give me time to fight for myself or lose and die trying. Tell me you love me and you’ll always be there. I want to be the best I can be but right now I need you to be your best for me. Stand by me, hold my hand and walk this road with me…