Monday, August 15, 2011

In the still, cold dark I lie in wait.

Waiting for the end.
Waiting for a solace from this fight.
I cannot hide the cuts, the bruises, the signs of our struggle.
You are the scars that mark my soul.
Marks and scars I bear for you, visible in the night.
Battle scars a painful reminder of the death of faith.
My soul stripped to its barest minimum.
Lover lost, enemy gained.
Anger wells as tears roll down my cheeks.
Enough was never enough for you.
Stripped of my faith in the light, I cry out.
I can no longer forgive your transgressions.
Weakness now my only companion.
Nights and days of turmoil, eating me alive.
Forever hating the silence.
Marks and scars I bear for you, visible in the night.
Battle scars a painful reminder of the death of faith.
Tears roll as fear drowns out the silence.
Fighting the screams of the past no more.
Faith lost, I search for the end.
This sweet sacrifice is mine as I walk to the edge.
A soul wrenched apart by mistrust in you.
Wind whipped and hell torn.
An empty void within my soul, life no longer.
Scarred by your absence.
Marks and scars I bear for you, visible in the night.
Battle scars a painful reminder of the death of faith.