Thursday, May 20, 2010


So I have been thinking, rethinking and then when I had done that, I did a little more thinking…This blog needs a new direction, as does my life.
So handbrake up, flicker on and make the turn… where?
For me the direction of the blog would be the easiest, but what about my life?
I need to seriously start making changes for the better, facing my responsibilities and shaking things up…I am nearly 25 and it is time to grow up.
I won’t be blogging about the changes I make or the decisions either, but I have decided that the blog will take on the form of a daily (and sometimes not daily) account of the life of a character – still have no name for her – growing up and learning about life. There will be things in it that actually pertain to my life, but most of it will be fiction. I know that there are some of you who will see a character and think it’s you – it’s not. This is not real life.